Original Characters
Having always enjoyed the art of writing, Ebony Amber found it a helpful tool to create backstories for the characters in which she creates. This practice has not only fueled her passion for writing, it has also serves as a wellspring of inspiration, stimulating some of the most interesting aspects of her costumes.
High Priestess Mastra was hand picked by Lucifer, the king of evil himself, to oversee one of the deepest, darkest realms of his kingdom. Mastra was chosen based on her talent for torture, and the joy she derives from making the evil creatures of her domain suffer. Although, Mastra does not believe in mistreating the good, she prides herself on torturing those who she believes deserve punishment.
The High Priestess reigns over her territory with her loyal devotees, Lilith and Zaphara (see images in Mastra’s gallery). Lilith is quite an alluring maiden, who abuses her victims with a mixture of anguish and pleasure. While Zaphara, only cares to protect the Voodoo Priestess Mastra and will go to great lengths to do so. If either servant defies Mastra, their punishment will be equal to, or greater than that of the unfortunate souls who have earned their place within the infamous inferno.
The only other creatures that dwell within the castle walls are the Nybbas who are beings that oversee all the world’s visions and dreams. Mastra captured the only living Nybbas and created a double of him, making them both her slaves. Once she had them under her control, Mastra placed the mask of Pyro over their faces forcing them to bow to Mastras every demand. Now the only time the Nybbas feel any relief, is when they are whispering the nightmares of all the damned to Mastra, providing her with all the ammunition she needs to create the most nightmarish retributions for all of her prisoners.
One unique fact about Mastra - and one she would not want anyone to know - is that she is petrified of children. Mastra hardly ever comes across a child within her empire, but when she does, Mastra has found that their spirit for evil far surpasses her own. Because of this, she rarely appears within the human realm as she is told children run rampant within the Earth dimension.
Kindread is a candy-obsessed Witch who wants nothing more than to trick-or-treat and be sweet!! No one will ever greet you with a bigger smile, especially if you are a child all dressed up to celebrate Halloween! The only thing is, every year Kindread eats way too many goodies and ends up on the floor in a candy stupor! So, if Kindread happens to visit you on that special spooky night, be sure to give her just one treat to keep her from over doing it.
It is said, however, that if Kindread does not fully satisfy her sweet tooth, she will become dark-hearted, and play tricks of the most unpleasant kind! The only one that can snap her out of her mischievous ways is her beloved pet Rocko. Rocko is a cute little bat who resides in a cage built into Kindread’s hat, giving another meaning to the saying, “There is a bat in the belfry.”
Suka Star is from a far away galaxy called Juku-Waii from a planet called Karafuro. Like every young Hitorian on her planet, she was eager to travel the galaxy after receiving her official space license. Hurriedly planning a holiday to Venus, she neglected to give herself enough time to study the map of the Milky Way, and taking a wrong turn, somewhere around Mercury, Suka ending up visiting Earth instead. Exiting her Roko craft, Suka noticed the creatures of Earth moping about with frowns upon their faces and hoods up over her heads. They did not seem cheerful like the many races found across Juku-Waii. Their solemn behavior prompted Suka to stay, taking it upon herself to brighten the Earthlings moods with her outgoing and colorful personality.
Even though she had decided to reside on Earth for a while, Suka misses her Tedi. On Karafuro, every child is raised with a Tedi who stays with them throughout adulthood, helping them stay bright and joyous. When Suka Star is missing her people, she cuddles with an Earth Teddy and dreams of homemade kooki’s and her favorite Terebi shows.
Feylin comes from a family of privilege. Her lineage, who refer to themselves as the Aquilawood, have been watching over the forest and the troll colonies for centuries. But, after the unexpected passing of Feylin's parents she was quickly thrust into power becoming Queen of the Trolls.
Within the troll culture, adorning yourself with gold and unique trinkets shows the community your wealth and importance. Therefore, Feylin’s gown is covered in precious stones including gold, ruby’s, agates and more. The headpiece she wears has the ancient symbol of flying birds which, within their society, represents a higher spirit. In the Aquilawood community they believe birds are the most evolved and spiritual creatures. Because of the respect and admiration their clan has for feathered creatures they create talons for their fingers hoping to show their appreciation and reverence for fowl.
Every morning Feylin paints her face with red berry paint to remind her people that she has strength, power, determination, and passion. The young Queens subjects find her to be very capable of being in charge and almost fear her a bit which is how they would want to feel about their sovereign. They do however worry about her solitary tendencies. Feylin is rarely ever seen at gatherings in which many people attend. She also demands to do all of her thinking and deliberating alone, generally finding a quiet place to sit and contemplate the benefits and the losses they had endured during battle. She does this to make sure that her decisions are hers alone and never influenced by an outside source.
The one person she finds peace with is Itzama who does not speak and is thought to be somewhat of a spiritual guru. Feylin enjoys his silence as they take long walks in the forest together. They always find a nice spot to sit, where they enjoy nature and the hush of the singing wind. It is in THESE moments Feylin feels the most connected to her parents.
Saint Patty was designed by Ebony Amber simply because she loves the holidays! Ebony wanted to create a Saint Patrick's Day costume that was fun and easy to wear while still pushing the limits with a gravity defying cauldron coin hat and matching penny skirt.
Ebony Amber worked with Tyler Green, special effects makeup artist and finalist from the hit TV show Face off, to create a unique owl creature. The name they gave this beautiful creation is Vahana, a Hindu based mythological entity which is said to be a vehicle that carries information from the physical word to the underworld or vice versa.
Vahana character promo video below: